Elevating Devices Acts, Regulations and STANDATAs
Copies of the Acts and Regulations applicable to Elevating Devices can be obtained through Alberta King’s Printer.
Safety Codes Act
Regulations made under the Safety Codes Act:
- Administrative Items Regulation
- Elevating Devices Code Regulation
- Elevating Device, Passenger Ropeways and Amusement Rides Permit Regulation
- Administrative Penalties Regulation
- Exemption Regulation
Government Organization Act
Regulations made under the Government Organization Act:
- Elevating Device, Passenger Ropeways and Amusement Rides Administration Regulation
- Authorized Accredited Agencies Regulation
Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act
Regulations made under the Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act:
- Apprenticeship Education and Industry Training Programs Regulation
- Designated Trades and Restricted Activities Regulation
- Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education General
Societies Act
Regulations made under the Societies Act:
- Societies Regulation
STANDATAs are developed by Alberta Municipal Affairs and the Safety Codes Council.
Visit Alberta Municipal Affairs for all STANDATAs.
STANDATA-2003-01-Frequency of Inspections-ed-03-001
STANDATA-2003-02-Certificate of Construction Permit Duration of Validation Requirements-03-002
STANDATA-2009-Tethered Children-ed-2009-002
STANDATA-2014-Hydraulic ControValves-ed-2014-001-r1
STANDATA-2016-FEO 7000mm-ed-2009-005-r1
STANDATA-2016-Single Bottom Cylinders-edvarience-ed-2016-001
STANDATA-2017-ASME17.6-Standard for Elevator Suspension, Comp, Gov Systems-ed-2017-001
STANDATA-2019-BCI-010-Elevator Operations and Accessibility-Barrier-Free
STANDATA-19-EDB-001 Stretcher Car STANDATA-Variance 19-BCV-003(Rev1)/19-EDB-001
STANDATA-19-EDI-001 Periodic Testing and Witnessing of Testing
STANDATA-19-EDI-002 AECO Certificate Criteria
STANDATA-19-EDI-003 National Building Code Alberta Edition
STANDATA-19-EDI-004 Brake Maintenance
STANDATA-19-EDI-005 Cleaning of Transparent Enclosures
STANDATA-19-EDI-006 Maintenance Frequency
STANDATA-19-EDI-007 On Site Maintenance Records
STANDATA-19-EDI-008 Major Alteration to Equipment
STANDATA-19-EDI-009 Elevating Devices Maintenance Personnel
STANDATA-19-EDI-010 Escalator inspection Switches
STANDATA-19-EDI-011 B355 Annex D
STANDATA-19-EDI-012-19-FCB-009-2023 FEO Owner Testing-ma-Standata-joint-interpretation
STANDATA-19-EDV-001 Test Record Data Tags-STANDATA-Variance-elevating-devices
STANDATA-19-BCB-007R1-Permits Under Building Code-2021
STANDATA-19-EDI-013-19-BCI-031-FEO for Alterations-March-2023
STANDATA-20-PCB-013-Drainage of Water from Elevator Pits-April-2023